Thread: Smart Phones
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Old 28th March 2021, 05:03
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Smart Phones

Undoubtedly a stupid question, but!

The YMs and I have basic old ‘steam and clockwork dinosaur 3G’ mobile phones upon which we happily make and receive calls and SMSs.

We are now reluctantly considering upgrading to an unlocked 'Officeworks' (or similar) low/medium sort of so called Smartphone, principally so that we can receive the new-fangled electronic AFL football ticket thingys.

We want to retain our numbers, plans and phone book etc from the old phone. Is it likely that we could just transfer the SIM card from an old phone to a new one and proceed as if nothing ever happened. (I told you it was a stupid question!)

I realise that overseas info may well be very different but any helpful hints suggestions or advice will be welcome. We find it difficult to get intelligible advice from the likes of Telstra etc.

Many thanks.
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