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Old 3rd June 2021, 17:21
Makko Mexico Makko is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Posts: 954
Talking of alarms..........

Coming off watch at 0400, we used to boil eggs in the duty mess geyser. Only the Leckie used it frequently to make tea or coffee during his "exhausting" daily duties (mostly spent in Duty Mess with boots off).

One day, we forgot about the eggs.

Three days later, the eggs appeared on a plate in the bar with a note enquiring (edited for people of a sensitive disposition) "WHO had been boiling eggs in the geyser?!!!".

After bollocking, between giggles and titters, from the Chief, we duly apologized to Lecky, promising humbly not to do it again.

Next day, Makko got out the control and alarm ladder diagrams. Makko altered the control/alarm drawings correctly. Makko installed a new alarm in a vacant space on the control panel, stencilling carefully,"LL Egg Boiler".

Come next standby, Most engineers in the MCR (Standby, coming into West Coast port following Trans Pacific transit) along with Leckie. Alarm goes off, Chief checks it and mumbles,"Leckie, what is this alarm? I haven't seen it before", telling me to get the drawings.

Cue near nervous breakdown by the Leckie who stormed out of the ER. Second bollocking by Chief who admired my ingenuity to install a "real" alarm, telling me to leave as was! Good old Bill Turner, my favourite Chief!

So If you are on Cape Henry, ex-Barber Priam, look on the left side of the control panel, at the bottom. Maybe the "alarm" is still there!

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