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Old 23rd June 2021, 17:13
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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YM. I think our watch would be ahead in the competition for the most revs logged in a day (against E-S anyway and providing the Chief doesn't catch us out). Is it only antipodeans that know the hand stoked coal burner japes? (I know not only from Kipling but also from a bunch of BHP guys doing their Chief's in '75 at Saudi Shields).

Mind you, E-S would probably be OK as a school janitor with a coke boiler. You, on the other hand, would probably have the little buggers broiled before break.

(And that Chinaman won't get his five beers if I find my aerials used for drying my whites, no more anyone else's).
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan

Last edited by Varley; 23rd June 2021 at 17:17.
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