Thread: Afghanistan
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Old 29th August 2021, 11:33
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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I agree restraint is required. But even that restraint will end in more of one's own young dead, whether de-humanised by their calling or not. The need for restraint is to avoid the disquiet (or indeed lust) amongst the rank and file. Collateral damage in inevitable and regrettable but must not be a reason to fail to prosecute such adventures to end them as soon as possible. 'Such' - better nonsuch, jaw-jaw etc. although how one jaws jaw with primitives is another matter. Softly carrying a big stick seems to be ineffective but, then, sticks are not for carrying but for using.

Was not Calley 'shopped' by his men? - in other circumstances that might have been cause to doubt as it would in any situation where subordinate challenges his superior. Murdering bastardy aside it seems he was not a fully competent officer, another cause for his men to take against him.

The Irish involved again? It was a noble one of those that refused to sign Byng's death warrant and another won us Waterloo - how obstinately decent the humble potato must makes one (especially when distilled).
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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