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Old 4th September 2021, 02:54
E. von Hoegh United States E. von Hoegh is offline
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Saranac Lake. Franklin.
Posts: 54
I'm new here. Just signed up. I found this site via "Ships Nostalgia" due to an interest in large Diesel engines.
I just might, although not a mariner, have something to contribute.

Some few years ago I was in England to view the insanity of old and ancient cars at Goodwood. I saw "The Beast of Turin" throw flames up the hill.

I'd rented a car, and as I was driving out of Bristol the car just stopped, as if I'd cut the ignition. I coasted off to the side of the road & opened the hood. There's a fence with two horses looking at me, a buckskin and a grey. nice looking critters. I'm looking at the engine, and the grey says "look at the wire from the coil" Well damned if it hadn't come disconnected. I reconnected it and was happily on my way. I came to a small town & thought i'd stop & have a pint. I told the barman about my stoppage; he questioned me closely anent just which horse I spoke with. I told him it was the grey. "Good" the barman says - "that buckskin knows fanny allen about motors"
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