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Old 24th December 2021, 22:56
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is online now
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
Posts: 797
Sorry to hear of your predicament Tmac.
Why do these things always occur at Christmas or Easter?
There is an engineering solution, however. A pair of small pliers on a tube thingy is inserted into the 'drain tube' and, after searching around, hopefully finds the stone and either grabs it and pulls it out or crushes it. I am sure that ES could knock up a suitable instrument from the scrap bin.
Isn't anesthetic wonderful?
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?
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