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Old 22nd February 2022, 12:25
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is online now
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The mechanism of ignition would be interesting to know. The first thing I thought of when media claimed that the batteries were disconnected for transport was that a vehicle with a disconnected battery is not a normal condition. How is it disconnected? (vision of terminalled cable flailing around under bonnet.

Normal condition is with battery connected (and charged). Cars in normal condition are, I suggest, less likely to ignite than cars that are not, for whatever reason, in normal condition.

I am minded of a feeder that almost re-ignited on Nordfarer during clear-up after a collision and various mayhems in the Channel. The (fire alarm) battery did not have enough current capacity to melt the short circuit protection covering a fault but did have enough to start cooking the conductors. In a conventional vehicle the starter circuit will not have short circuit protection but I imagine an electric vehicle does (anyone?). Not implying this was the cause here but one example of a, perhaps, counterintuitive consequence.

Pleased everybody safe. Unlike the Grimaldi ferry fire - fingers crossed for more survivors.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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