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Old 6th June 2022, 15:25
Engine Serang Northern Ireland Engine Serang is offline
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: Dublin,but I'd rather be in Stavanger.
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Have I missed a birthday? Why wasn't I informed?
Paddington Bear! Isn't HM a bit of a card?
Now that the hub-bub is over is it acceptable to call her Brenda again I, must check with Sir Arlene and Hislop. Joined the street party at my London Condo in Delamare Terrace, all a bit flat until Pol Roger appeared, brother of Brendan and a sound chap. Mundrabilla is a bit of a backwater nowadays caused by the dockers being bolshie and refusing to discharge toilet bowls, yes, toilet bowls that they chunder and boke in after a few icy cold Swans.
Let dear old Boris be an example to us all, honesty and decency will get you nowhere, and fucK the begrudgers and the poor and do not give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free because they're heading for sunny Rwanda. And Jeremy Corbyn is to blame. And Ken Livingstone. And Rayner the commando.

Last edited by Engine Serang; 6th June 2022 at 15:28. Reason: Pol Roger.
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