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Old 27th October 2022, 18:56
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Sail with them? I have them in the bloody family. I might add, however that the protestant enthusiasms of the north and west are not QUIET in their superstition either.

Pa's only prejudices were against bores and Roman Catholics yet his no 1 son and only nephew ended up marrying lovely examples. You do have to give them a bit of respect for the manner in which they are all part of the hierarchy, treating their priest as a servant of the parishioners.

An example I experienced early on when arriving in London on Christmas day (from 3 Maj in Yugoslavia) and, being stranded Cousin-in-law took me in.

A large part of her family were staying. I arrived just in time to help Cousin start washing up and preparation for the evening feast while all the rest went to their various choice of church for Mass.

The two heathens continued their labours (perhaps refreshed by goldfish bowl or two of G&T) until the worshipers returned.

Her Ma and Pa were last back and so late we were thinking of sending a search party. It transpired that they had gone to a posh venue (London Oratory or the like). They had not agreed with the homily and stayed to correct the celebrating priest and then went on to hear another mass which they thought they might enjoy more!

Sadly, my late cousin's family 'lost their faith' following his death despite them clinging loudly to it during my late brother's dying year.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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