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Old 31st December 2022, 14:16
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Originally Posted by Engine Serang View Post
Rest easy my old horny handed son of the outback, we will always need a bright youngfella with a deep knowledge of enthalpy, entropy and saturated steam to be in charge of the Burco Boiler.
As regards electrickery we work on the assumption that if Lord Lax don't know the formula Reeds Basic Electrotechnology will save the day.
Yes indeed it is no secret that the location of the solar panels is less than optimal but Tmax is treating it as a piece of basic research and by a process of elimination we will end up on the Monkey. Hope these bloody panels are sturdy yokes.
Thank you ES for your usual wise counsel. I have now added enthalpy and entropy to the ever longer list of things that I know nothing about.

I suppose that I could learn to make tea using a Burko boiler (if it is what I think it is?) I never advanced beyond boiling a billy but OH&S (whatever it is called today wherever) now prohibits 'swinging the billy over one's head'. Will the solar panels run a microwave or should I just continue to hang the billy on the end of the pricker?

Overall, I am reassured and will stick to coal and my faithful shovel. Have you noticed that two solar panels are cracked already .......... probably a job lot from some un-named country.

Aside from the foregoing stupidity, we are now an hour and a bit into 2023 here in Oz so, again, best wishes to all for the New Year. May the GD and the Crazy Gang sail on in good health albeit fired with stupidity.
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Last edited by YM-Mundrabilla; 31st December 2022 at 14:19.
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