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Old 22nd January 2023, 08:00
Engine Serang Northern Ireland Engine Serang is offline
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: Dublin,but I'd rather be in Stavanger.
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Originally Posted by Tmac1720 View Post
Feck sake !!!! just back aboard from the annual bottom scrape and shaft stuffing and what do I find? the bloody injun room is a shambles, Squeek and Eric nissed as pewts comatose in the pump room. Turbines run down, steam leaks everywhere and ES conspicuous by his absence pinning a note on the bulkhead " feck this for a game of soldiers, I'm off to the pub" Even Lord Varley appears to have abandoned ship for a sojourn as DJ on Manx Radio, gives "moonlighting" a whole new dimension.

Doubtless our sainted owner Sir William may be found in the nearest shoreside hostelry sipping Guinness with a spoon while bemoaning the vagaries of life and having such a motley crew.

I can see that copious arse kicking is in order starting with the injun room crew, pass me my H&W shit kicker boots retribution is nigh.
Tmax, get your muffler out and your piece box, you're back in business. Put your bowler (negative sash) on Stand By. The RFA had the last ship to leave the Yard and the first to return. Three Cheers for Richie.
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