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Old 19th May 2023, 00:30
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
Posts: 799

Definitely better than walking/jogging/whatever in my case.

My doctor used to say many years ago that 'joggers are just ruining their knees'!

I took up recreational cycling about 40 odd years ago after problems with my right knee and have never looked back either physically or ,arguably, 'mentally'.

As a kid I used to ride a bike, of course, but there was a gap of perhaps 20 years when I did not.

You will have seen that I like to combine maritime photography with cycling and I aim for about 50 km/week here and there on the bike although this is often not possible. I don't ride on the road as we are fortunate in that I can go out my back gate about 12 km NNW of the CBD onto a walking and cycling path which allows me to reach Port Melbourne and the Lower Yarra 99% 'off road'.

I thoroughly recommend a pushie to you ES - you are never too old, nor do you need a flash bike (or a lycra suit either ).

My current bike is a 20+ year old 26 inch mountain bike (long ago out of fashion - like me) that cost around $A300 at the time. This was mid range (?) before titanium and carbon fibre for ~ $A20 000 became the go, of course. I don't have shock absorber forks or suspension for the saddle - they are just unnecessary complications.

Go for it Comrade - at least you don't have snakes to worry about in Ireland.

If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Media Weather Report:
'Today is the hottest/coldest day since yesterday.'

Last edited by YM-Mundrabilla; 19th May 2023 at 11:03.
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