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Old 31st August 2023, 20:09
Hugh Shuttleworth Hugh Shuttleworth is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Richmond; Yorkshire North Riding
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by Hawkey01 View Post
Looking for an other item I came across this uniform price list dated 1964. I did buy my first uniforms from them. I lived in Bedfordshire at the time and there was no outfitter near me to buy from. So it was a trip to London.
They don't seem to exist now probably gone the way of many businesses - they did supply all types of military uniforms so I assume someone must still do this.
Where did others buy their first uniforms from.

Neville - Hawkey01
It was a trip up to South Shields for me. Mercantile Marine Office for my Discharge Book and Wm Wood & Son for uniform and kit - 1st October 1964
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