Thread: Young soldiers
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Old 6th September 2023, 18:47
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Malcolm G Malcolm G is offline
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Grandfathers in the Great War:
My paternal Gf - Sgt Major in the 24th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers aka Post Office Rifles. He was retired from the Army and was a Postmaster at Enfield wash. So, co-opted into part time training of recruits.
My maternal Gf - Officer in the Scots Guards, (hence Mum was born at the Tower of London!) when war broke out they were shifted to Hyde Park where he also trained recruits for the front.
Wife's maternal Gf - Sergeant in the Royal Garrison Artillery and was with the BEF manning the big guns. He was killed at the first Battle of Ypres.
Wife's paternal Gf - Not sure but I believe he spent the war defending Gibraltar.
The Mad Landsman
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