Thread: Flu jabs UK
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Old 3rd September 2017, 18:35
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Had the flu jab every year since it was available with no adverse reaction, well except the aforementioned chest infections and sniffles. GP insisted as I have Asthma it should not be avoided as all sorts of dire consequences may befall me. So last year as usual I had the jab, a week later I was covered in red itchy spots and never felt as sick in my life. After much ummimg and ahhing the consensus was it was a reaction to the flu jab. Being advised "I've never seen a reaction like that before" several times by various "experts" didn't help my mood one little bit. It took almost three months for my skin to return to normal and the itch abate. This year they know what they can do with their flu jab
Oul scabby knuckles

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