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Old 6th September 2017, 15:30
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
Posts: 818
My experience with a new Mustang here in Oz is actually secondhand from my GP who took delivery of his late in 2016 after a wait of well over 6 months IIRC.
His has a soft top which is madness here in Melbourne in my view as it is almost always cold and wet in Winter and very hot in Summer. Nevertheless he is happy with it although he has had warranty issues and comments that it is thrown together in comparison with his previous car which was a Z3 or Z4 (?) BMW. Not sure of the model but the latest little 2 door BM.
Never been a Ford man myself, used to be GM until got one of their Opel models. Now mundane Toyota for the last 20 years.
Geoff (YM)
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