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Old 7th September 2017, 17:07
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Farmer John Farmer John is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
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Well I hope you all had a good run ashore, it was very sporting of Varley to tow the boat back by imitating a porpoise, with the bow-line in his teeth.

Standby to enter the port: Tmac, you I know to be ready, cutouts raise the anchor, dead slow ahead to take the strain off, and we are away. I fancy nuzzling up to Leda, we will fit in there somewhere, bodge about a bit and make room.

Well that was simple, all alongside and moored fast (you appreciate that the movement log can be filled in later when things have calmed down a bit. Just make sure that "finished with engines" is on a multiple of 6 minutes, makes the maths easier).

Right, bucket of water and spin the old floaty thing and then we have to work out where to put 1,500 tonnes of sparkly stuff. Don't worry, it won't go in the No 1 hatch, anyone else got any preferences?
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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