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Old 10th September 2017, 07:54
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Tom Alexander Canada Tom Alexander is offline
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Originally Posted by Farmer John View Post
We are off to Cincinecticut, I think, I miss Tom to chat to. Hope you are well..
Thank you Farmer John. Well enough. Had a good approx 1800 mile road trip with only moderate glitches. Poor wife however is suffering from bone on bone in right hip - in absolute agony most of the time and for the last week or so since we have been back it's been another round of medical appointments of one kind or another.

Me - I've just got degenerative disc disease with accompoanying sciatica - can be a real pain in the rrrs, literally. Can still function with OTC meds.

I see you gentlemen and Tmac have been doing well during my stay away, and seeing as I am somewhat knackered, with Sir William's permission, I would prefer to let you all do the day to day business of the ship, while I simply sample the chartroom rum supply occasionally (just for quality control purposes, of course) and perform the odd vessel inspection to ensure all is running to perfection. My first proposed job is to get the cutouts to move an air mattress from place to placearound the decks so I can lay down and inspect the winch beds for rust, and or leakage.

To celebrate my return, I would, however, like to invite all to the pax lounge for a few rounds on my tab - catch up on the latest.
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