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Old 6th October 2017, 22:31
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Paignton. Devon.
Posts: 1,257
Very sorry to hear that our Chief Injuneer is under the weather. Can one of the catering department fill up a pint glass with a selection from all the optics in the bar in the First Class Lounge? I don't know if it will have any curative properties, but if Tmac downs it in one go, the resultant hangover will be so bad, that whatever ails him at the moment will seem quite trivial in comparison.

Hope you recover soon Tmac. Squeek has been given a crash course in lever pulling and engine minding by Farmer John and Sir William, so we should be fine to proceed on our present course. All duty helmsmen have been instructed to only steer for the smooth bits.
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