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Old 26th October 2017, 19:12
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Newtownabbey
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are we there yet?... Squeek is getting overly excited although Eric appears rather disinterested in the proposed proceedings. Being advised that while the island is abounding with rats of various persuasions but bereft of Squirrels has rather put a dampener on events for the lad. especially as he had serviced his nuts in anticipation of his run ashore

My suggestion that he stay aboard and do all the inguneers dobying was met with a barrage of un-seaman like language and probably didn't help matters

FYI David, us poor injuneers only have one moth eaten and threadbare boilersuit each and usually are compelled to work "au naturelle" down the pit unless you would care to provide a substantial donation to our clothing fund
Oul scabby knuckles

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Anything God didn't create was made by engineers.

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots
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