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Old 11th November 2017, 23:04
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Paignton. Devon.
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A fellow goes to see his Doctor about an embarrassing problem.

"What's the trouble?" asks the Doctor.

"I have this strange reaction every time I sneeze, and it's getting a bit hard to deal with all the time."

"Yes? So how can I help you?"

"I'm not sure Doc, but every time I sneeze, I get an erection."

"So, that isn't so bad is it?"

"No, but every dozen or so sneezes, I have an orgasm. I'm getting exhausted."

"Oh, I see. Have you been taking any over the counter remedies for this problem?"

"Yes, I have. I buy some every week, and it's costing a small fortune now."

"Oh dear, what are you taking for it?"

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