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Old 13th October 2020, 17:12
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Location: Isle of Man, G.B.
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But Confucius, he say, main line carry not only express but also stopping train with little-old-lady-people-go-shop.

Either DeniseDArteaga is a silicon based lifeform that passes the Turing test or is real. I had a double take after running off at the keyboard. An unseafarey post in unsuitable forum with an October 2020 join date and thought that I had been 'had' but there are other posts, not perhaps off-topic but not quite 'on' either, if you get my drift.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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