Thread: The Great Smog
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Old 9th December 2017, 07:18
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Tom Alexander Canada Tom Alexander is offline
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I remember walking home with my Dad after attending a works boxing match in North Woolwich. We couldn't take the normal train from South Woolwich due to the fog, but did get another which took us to wirhin 3 miles of home. During the walk, I nearly bumped into a telephone pole - just couldn't see it in the murk, even though there were some street lights. As we walked a bus slowly passed us with the conductor walking in front with sheets of flaming newspaper as a torch. Across the road, (couldn't see what was happening but it didn't leave too much to the imagination) we could hear a car engine running with the passenger obvioulsy in front -- who then proceeded to shout "left 'and down "arry, left 'and down - followed by "crunch" as the car hit a wall, or something equeally solid.
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