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Old 11th November 2017, 03:38
Naytikos Cayman Islands Naytikos is offline
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Location: Cayman Islands
Posts: 128
I have a book on Chaos Theory, "Does God Play Dice", can't remember the author and can't find the book at the moment, which, I believe, substantiates Farmer John's predicament.
I am glad I read the book because it supports what I have adopted as a guiding principal most of my life so far, which is: what happens, happens; what doesn't, wasn't supposed to anyway; i.e. Chaos governs everything, life, intelligence, matter, space, etc.etc.
So if one cannot, at this moment in time, lay one's hand upon the sextant, but can find the chronometer; but tomorrow the situation is reversed; don't worry, it's meant to be that way.
Just go with the flow.
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