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Old 8th February 2019, 10:59
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Hawkey01 Hawkey01 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Highbridge UK
Posts: 471
Before working in the station all new entry RO's at Portisheadradio and coast stations had to attend training school. To learn touch typing and also to attain the required morse speeds. That was 27 wpm. Many could already do this but that was the system. 6 weeks if my memory serves me correctly. We were also tested on the use of auto keys/bugs before we could use them live.
Many seagoing RO's could not handle reception at that speed so generally speaking you never used it. It soon became obvious who could and could not work at speed and those QSO's were a pleasure.
The requirements with PMG 2nd was 20 wpm and 1st 25 wpm for plain language and lesser speed for code and figures.

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