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Old 12th April 2020, 18:24
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BobClay United Kingdom BobClay is offline
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Thing is Dave … having worked in schools for the last few years of my working life, I had to deal with teachers who thought it cool to slam their laptops shut. (Not helped by f****** TV and Movies I might add.) Often with pens and other implements resting above the keyboard.
Anybody who has ever worked on repairing laptops will tell you they're sent from HELL. There's no standardisation (as with PC's) and some manufacturers have made working on them more complicated than a 20 cube a side Rubik .
So when I see this my first thought is: 'Space the f*****' (it used to be: 'throw the f***** over the wall' .. but we have to move with the SciFi times.)
"I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Corporal Hicks
(Actually Ripley said it first.)
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