Thread: Flu jabs UK
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Old 17th September 2018, 22:38
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BobClay United Kingdom BobClay is offline
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I had the flu when I was a kid. I was off school for a month, my Old Dear thought I was a gonner. It's definitely a bit more than a 'bad cold.'

I had it again when I was at college in Leith doing a sparky's ticket. Put me down for a week, what was strange about that was how quickly it came on. I went down like a sack of spuds off the back of a lorry.

Have to admit I've steered clear of flu jabs because all those in my local who had one over the years were downed for a day or two, and I thought, f*** that, if I get it again, I get it, I'll ride it out.

But, times change, maybe I'll get one this year … but if it kills me … I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU LOT.
"I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Corporal Hicks
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