Thread: Flu jabs UK
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Old 3rd September 2017, 14:02
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Ron Stringer England Ron Stringer is offline
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Although over-65 and therefore eligible for the free NHS service, I have never had a 'flu jab (and have never had 'flu).

My wife, a former nurse, midwife and health visitor, has unlimited faith in the powers of the health profession and availed herself each Autumn. She has respiratory problems and the consultant that she was seeing insisted that she should not miss out on the vaccine.

About 6 or 7 years ago, early in December, she had a severe bout of flu', in spite of having had the jab some weeks previously and was still recovering at Christmas time. Of course I was my usual smug self and did not hesitate to point out that I was not affected by the bug.

The following year she again contracted 'flu despite having had the jab and again she was laid up over Christmas. I teased her about trying to avoid all the extra work involved in preparing for the festive season - it was not appreciated. Not was my continued smugness.

The next year she was very ill with 'flu during much of December and this progressed into bronchitis that did not clear up until February. At times we were really concerned that she was not going to make it.

At that point she decided that she would give the vaccine a miss the following Autumn. That year she did not get the 'flu nor even a winter cold, although all around her fell victim to the 'common cold' and worse (not me of course). So she gave the vaccine a miss, despite letters from her GP urging her to come to the surgery for the injection. Another year without the 'flu followed.

And so it has gone on ever since.

We may be gambling with her health (or her life) but her experience with the 'flu jab has not been good. Paraphrasing James Bond, once is an incident, twice may be an accident but three times is definitely enemy action.

By the way, last October when she saw the respiratory consultant he asked her if she had been for her 'flu jab and she said that she was not taking it. When asked why, she told him the above story. After some thought he said, "Do you know, I have the jab every year and I always seem to get a cold or other chest infection soon afterwards. I think I may give it a miss this year and see what happens."

If he did, and if he survived the experiment, we will see him next month.

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