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Old 16th July 2018, 20:26
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is offline
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Originally Posted by Harlequin View Post
Parliament (politicians) agreed overwhelmingly to offer the electorate a referendum on our EU status. Remain or leave was the choice, I (we) merely voted on the merits. So although I agree with almost all of your points, I still maintain that the politicians are the ones solely responsible for the mess we're in. We, the great unwashed merely exercised our democratic right to vote.
So without wanting to personalise this debate, the question I'd really like to ask you is,what part did I (we) play in this present sorry situation? Apart from voting against what the establishment wanted and expected.
I absolutely dont want to personalise this debate either Harlequin and I take your point - and agree that other than voting one way or 'tother, we didn't play a huge part - nevertheless we did play a (small) part in the whole process.

Consider it this way - if the vote had of gone the other way, the nation would not be tearing itself apart under a weak leadership - and we would not be having this debate.
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