Thread: Afghanistan
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Old 3rd October 2021, 10:24
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Skerries United Kingdom Skerries is offline
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Originally Posted by Makko View Post
And your son's principal problem was,"Who [the FLOCK!] is the enemy?". No black or white, just different shades of gray - How, as a combatant, do you take a decision to squeeze the trigger or not? IED's, the chance of litigation afterwards for split second decisions taken in "the heat of the moment" [You are a murderer!], a total nightmare for the soldiers/marines dirtying their boots in the dust.

Saludos and a hug to your son. There ARE people who hear, understand and DO NOT judge. We sympathize with, what in the end, was a lost and useless cause.

Best Regards,
You are so right.
He speaks little about ‘Afghan’ as he calls it but once told of his frustration after a ‘skirmish’ where the local fighters sought refuge in a mosque and exited minus AK45’s and had to be allowed to leave on their motorbikes unchallenged.
The military taught him and nine others to speak Pashtun at the Royal Military language college, Beaconsfield so that they may better communicate and understand the local elders and population. What it did was give him an incite into a society that was locked in the past and totally disjointed and corrupt. There was an Afghan army where the officer corps were distrusted by the soldiers primarily based on tribal politics and a police force not to be trusted by anyone!

Why must we try to impose our ‘western standards’ on others? Let them develop in their own right. Look at the effect of our interference in Libya, Iraq and Syria. To what end?
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