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Old 20th September 2018, 10:06
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BobClay United Kingdom BobClay is offline
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Actually that last reason (b) is a good one, especially in this day of digital images.

There's talk of a 'dark age' in terms of data of all kinds, because there is no hard copy for much of it, and it is easily deleted. Also the media does decay with age believe it or not.

In times gone by data was stored in hard copy, and this is rather less easy to delete, (it takes a war, a natural catastrophe, a fire and the like.)

So these pix spread up and about the internet, sitting on any number of servers the world over and being copied or downloaded by other users might be the solution to any such 'dark age.'
"I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Corporal Hicks
(Actually Ripley said it first.)
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